Woke-Free Church

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For the Deliverance of the Body of Christ
from Social Justice Captivity 

by Jeff Kliewer

What does it mean to be Free?

Centuries ago, Christians in the Free Church movement refused to let governments control them. They served only one Lord. But today, the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) and other evangelical churches in the land of the free and home of the brave are in danger of falling into captivity. Governors are exerting control from without, and worse still, a deceitful ideology is creeping into churches and controlling them from within. 

Social justice promises liberty and justice for all, but it is actually a yoke of slavery. Churches that go the way of social justice, considering themselves "woke," soon find themselves bound. But it's not too late to turn and be free.

Will the EFCA and our evangelical brothers go WOKE, or will the Lord set us WOKE-FREE?